Как образовать множественное число в английском? Open Library - открытая библиотека учебной информации Поставьте предложения в Present Continuous по образцу

1. George Bernard Shaw, ... well-known English playwright, was born in ... Ireland in 1856. He was ... son of ... clerk and had to begin working at ... early age. At ... age of twenty he moved to ... London where he became ... journalist. 2. ... play "Widowers" Houses" shows ... egoism and hypocrisy of some businessmen who got their profits from ... London slums where ... poorest people lived. 3. While travelling in ... Germany Harry Trench, ... young English doctor, got acquainted with Mr. Sartorius, ... respectable looking gentleman, and his daughter Blanche. ... young people fell in love with each other and were going to get married. Trench knew that Sartorius was rich, but he did not know what ... kind of ... property he had. He learned about it from ... conversation with Lickcheese, Sartorius" rent collector. It turned out that Sartorius was ... owner of some tenements in the London slums, and that all ... property he had was built by getting ... money out of ... poor people who lived there. Trench was greatly shocked. He did not want to take ... money from Blanche"s father. But Blanche said she could not live on ... small income Trench had. They had ... quarrel, and Trench left ... house. After some time Trench learned that... land on which Sartorius" houses were built belonged to Trench"s aunt and that he himself was living on ... money got in ... same way. Everything comes out "all right" in ... end: Trench marries Blanche and becomes ... partner in Sartorius" business. The author shows that in ... fact Trench is no better than Sartorius, Lickcheese and the like. 1. George Bernard Shaw, a well-known English playwright, was born in Ireland in 1856. He was the son of a clerk and had to begin working at an early age. At the age of twenty he moved to London where he became a journalist. 2. The play «Widowers" Houses» shows the egoism and hypocricy of some businessmen who got their profits from the London slums where the poorest people lived. 3. While travelling in Germany Harry Trench, a young English doctor, got acquainted with Mr. Sartorius, a respectable looking gentleman, and his daughter Blanche. The young people fell in love with each other and were going to get married. Trench knew that Sartorius was rich, but he did not know what kind of property he had. He learned about it from a conversation with Lickcheese, Sartorius" rent collector. It turned out that Sartorius was the owner of some tenements in the London slums, and that all the property he had was built by getting money out of the poor people who lived there. Trench was greatly shocked. He did not want to take money from Blanche"s father. But Blanche said she could not live on the small income Trench had. They had a quarrel, and Trench left the house. After some time Trench learned that the land on which Sartorius" houses were built belonged to Trench"s aunt and that he himself was living on the money got in the same way. Everything comes out "all right" in the end: Trench marries Blanche and becomes a partner in Sartorius" business/The author shows that in fact Trench is no better than Sartorius, Lickcheese and the like.

Упражнение 80. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

My ... husband picks up ... local newspaper every morning from ... vending machine on our ... way to ... work. ... other morning, ... girl who appeared to be about 6 was in ... front of him in ... line, buying ... paper for her ... mother, who was sitting in ... car. ... child put ... money for one ... paper in ... slot and took two ... newspapers! My ... husband said to her, "Oh, is this two-for-one day?" ... child did not reply. She just took ... two ... newspapers to her ... mother. This is stealing, pure and simple. I wonder what this ... mother is going to think when her ... daughter becomes ... teen and gets arrested for ... shop lifting at ... mall? I suppose she"ll wonder where her ... daughter got ... idea that it is OK to take something without paying for it. ... mother missed ... opportunity to teach her ... child right from wrong. If ... child took ... extra newspaper in ... error, ... mother should have instructed her to put it back. However, if she put ... child up to it - shame on her. My husband picks up the local newspaper every morning from a vending machine on our way to work. The other morning, a girl who appeared to be about 6 was in front of him in line, buying the paper for her mother, who was sitting in the car. The child put the money for one paper in the slot and took two newspapers! My husband said to her, "Oh, is this two-for-one day?" The child did not reply. She just took the two newspapers to her mother. This is stealing, pure and simple. I wonder what this mother is going to think when her daughter becomes a teen and gets arrested for shoplifting at the mall? I suppose she"ll wonder where her daugter got the idea that it is OK to take something without paying for it. The mother missed an opportunity to teach her child right from wrong. If the child took the extra newspaper in error, the mother should have instructed her to put it back. However, if she put the child up to it - shame on her.

Упражнение 81. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Three ... bank robbers got ... surprise last night. This is what happened. ... three ... robbers, who all work as ... cleaners at ... hospital, drove up to ... bank on Main Street. ... three men, wearing ... masks over their ... faces, got out of ... car and ran into ... bank. Inside ... bank, they pointed ... guns at ... customers and ... bank tellers. One of ... men told all ... customers to lie down on ... floor. And then one of ... other men said something like, "Quick ... money! Give me ... money!" So one of ... tellers handed them some ... bags. After leaving ... bank, ... three men jumped into their ... van and drove off. One ... mile down ... road, ... robbers parked their ... van next to ... ambulance they had parked before ... robbery. They got into ... ambulance and drove off. They went straight to their ... hospital. After leaving ... ambulance in ... hospital parking lot, ... three ... men went together into ... small room. There, they opened ... bags of ... money they had been given - and got... very ... unpleasant surprise! ... bank teller had given ... robbers ... special bags containing ... bright red ... ink!... red ink is released when ... bag is opened, and it can"t be washed off. So suddenly, ... men found themselves covered in red ink! As ... men left ... room and tried to leave ... hospital, ... emergency room doctor saw them and she thought, "Oh God, they"re all covered in ... blood." So she tried to help them but they refused her ... help and ran off. ... doctor realized something funny was going on and she called ... police. ... police caught ... robbers - guess where? Outside ... bank on Main Street. Three bank robbers got a surprise last night. This is what happened. The three robbers, who all work as cleaners at a hospital, drove up to the bank on Main Street. The three men, wearing masks over their faces, got out of the car and ran into the bank. Inside the bank, they pointed guns at the customers and bank tellers. One of the men told all the customers to lie down on the floor. And then one of the other men said something like, "Quick the money! Give me money!" So one of the tellers handed them some bags. After leaving the bank, the three men jumped into their van and drove off. One mile down the road, the robbers parked their van next to an ambulance they had parked before the robbery. They got into the ambulance and drove off. They went straight to their hospital. After leaving the ambulance in the hospital parking lot, the three men went together into a small room. There, they opened the bags of money they had been given - and got a very unpleasant surprise! The bank teller had given the robbers special bags containing bright red ink! The red ink is released when the bag is opened, and it can"t be washed off. So suddenly, the men found themselves covered in red ink! As the men left the room and tried to leave the hospital, an emergency room doctor saw them and she thought, "Oh God, they"re all covered in blood." So she tried to help them but they refused her help and ran off. The doctor realized something funny was going on and she called the police. The police caught the robbers - guess where? Outside the bank on Main Street. A tsunami is a natural phenomenon consisting of a series of waves generated when water in a lake or the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. It is also a very large dangerous ocean wave caused by |ш underwater explosion, earthquake, etc. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions and large meteorite impacts all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can range from unnoticeable to devastation. The magnitude 9.0 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake triggered a series of lethal tsunamis on December 26, 2004 that killed over 310,000 people (more than 220,000 in Indonesia alone), making it the deadliest tsunami in recorded history. The tsunami killed people over an area ranging from the immediate vicinity of the quake in Indonesia, Thailand and the north-western coast of Malaysia to thousands of kilometres away in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and even as far as Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania in eastern Africa. The disaster prompted a huge worldwide effort to help victims of the tragedy, with hundreds of millions of dollars being raised for disaster relief. ДАЛЕЕ В СКОБКАХ УКАЗАНЫ НОМЕРА ПО 6 ИЗДАНИЮ

Упражнение 82. Дайте соответствующие существительные женского рода.

A lion, a tiger, an actor, a poet, a man, an uncle, a husband, a brother, a grandfather, a son, a master, a baron, a count, a shepherd, a host. A lioness, a tigress, an actress, a poetess, a woman, an aunt, a wife, a sister, a grandmother, a daughter, a mistress, a baroness, a countess, a shepherdess, a hostess.

Упражнение 83 Дайте соответствующие существительные мужского рода.

A lady, a girl, a niece, Mrs. Smith, a widow, a stewardess, a French woman, a cow, a queen, a princess, a duchess, a hen, a mother. A lord, a boy, a nephew, Mr. Smith, a widower, a steward, a Frenchman, an ox, a king, a prince, a duke, a cock, a father.

Образование множественного числа существительных

a watch - watches

a dress - dresses

a potato - potatoes

Упражнение 84. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (не забудьте, что перед множественным числом неопределенный артикль нужно опустить).

A pen, a class, a story, a road, a day, a cat, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a hero, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, а lion, a park, a play. Pens, classes, stories, roads, days, cats, bushes, desks, tables, plates, foxes, rooms, ladies, knives, chairs, buses, heroes, matches, ways, houses, families, flags, towns, wolves, countries, lions, parks, plays, dictionaries, thieves, keys.

Запомните форму множественного числа следующих существительных:

a child - children

Запомните также:

an Englishman - Englishmen

a Frenchman - Frenchmen

a German - Germans

Запомните три существительных, имеющих во множественном числе ту же форму, что и в единственном:

Упражнение 85. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).

A baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato. Babies, plants, lemons, peaches, bananas, brushes, stars, mountains, trees, shillings, kings, the waiters, the queens, men, the men, women, the women, eyes, shelves, boxes, the cities, boys, geese, the watches, mice, dresses, toys, the sheep, teeth, children, the oxen, deer, the lives, tomatoes, secretaries, crowds, airports, theatres, tornadoes, shops, tragedies, these books, these families,these pies, those answers, those apartments, those teachers, those comedies.

Упражнение 86. Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественное число.

This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that sandwich, this poster, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife. These magazines, those stickers, these stamps, those sandwiches, these posters, these teacups, these eggs, those walls, those pictures, these feet, those mountains, these ladies, those windows, these men, those matches, these knives.


this is - these are

that is - those are

there is - there are

it is - they are

Упражнение 87. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a spider. 2. That is a snail. 3. This is a space film. 4. That is a cartoon. 5. This is a star. 6. This is a boy. 7. This is a baby. 8. That is a plate. 9. That is a flower. 10. That is a bookshelf. 11. Is this a sofa? 12. Is this a bookcase? 13. Is this a man? 14. Is that a ball? 15. Is that a train? 16. Is that a plane? 17. Is the window open? 18. Is the door closed? 19. Is the boy near the window? 20. That is not a king. 21. That is not a queen. 22. That is not a bus. 23. This isn"t a mountain. 24. That isn"t a goose. 25. This isn"t a mouse. 26. It is a sheep. 27. It is a cigarette. 28. It is a cat. 29. It is not a girl. 30. It isn"t a bag. 31. It isn"t a tree. 32. It is not a bad egg. 33. It is a good egg. 34. Is that a flower? 1. These are spiders. 2. Those are snails. 3. These are space films. 4. Those are cartoons. 5. These are stars. 6. These are boys. 7. These are babies. 8. Those are plates. 9. Those are flowers. 10. Those are bookshelves. 11. Are these sofas? 12. Are these bookcases? 13. Are these men? 14. Are those balls? 15. Are those trains? 16. Are those planes? 17. Are the windows open? 18. Are the doors closed? 19. Are the boys near the window? 20. Those are not kings. 21. Those are not queens. 22. Those are not buses. 23. These aren"t mountains. 24. Those aren"t geese. 25. These aren"t mice. 26. They are sheep. 27. They are cigarettes. 28. They are cats. 29. They are not girls. 30. They aren"t bags. 31. They aren"t trees. 32. They are not bad eggs. 33. They are good eggs. 34. Are those flowers? 1. These are spiders. 2. Those are snails. 3. These are stars. 4. These are film stars. 4. Those are cartoons. 6. These are boys. 7. These are babies. 8. Those are plates. 9. Those are flowers. 10. Those are bookshelves. 11. Are these sofas? 12. Are these bookcases? 13. Are these men? 14. Are those balls? 15. Are those trains? 16. Are those planes? 17. Are the windows open? 18. Are the doors closed? 19. Are the boys near the window? 20. Those are not kings. 21. Those are not queens. 22. Those are not buses. 23. These aren"t mountains. 24. Those aren"t geese. 25. These aren"t mice. 26. They are sheep. 27. They are cigarettes. 28. They are cats. 29. They are not girls. 30. They aren"t bags. 31. They aren"t trees. 32. They are not bad eggs. 33. They are good eggs. 34. Are those flowers? 35. Are these roses? 34. These are pots.

Упражнение 88. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This cup is dirty. 2. That biscuit was delicious. 3. This hotel is very expensive but it"s very nice. 4. There is a children"s playground in the park. 5. That is a new supermarket in our town. 6. It"s a delicious lemon pie for dessert. 7. It"s a nice cotton dress for my niece. 8. This man is an engineer. 9. That woman is my sister. 10. This child is my son. 11. That goose is big. 12. This mouse is white. 13. This man is a doctor. 14. That woman is my cousin. She is a teacher. 15. That girl is my niece. She is a pupil. 16. This girl has a blue sweater. 17. This boy has a good coat. 18. My uncle has a large flat. 19. There is a table in the room. 20. I have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket. 21. There is a flower in the vase. 22. This child"s foot is sore. 1. These cups are dirty. 2. Those biscuits were tasty. 3. These hotels are very expensive but they are very nice. 4. There are children"s playgrounds in the park. 5. Those are new supermarkets in our town. 6. They are delicious lemon pies for dessert. 7. They are nice cotton dresses for my nieces. 8. These men are engineers. 9. Those women are my sisters. 10. These children are my sons. 11. Those geese are big. 12. These mice are white. 13. These men are doctors. 14. Those women are my cousins. They are teachers. 15. Thosegirls are my nieces. They are pupils. 16. These girls have blue sweaters. 17. These boys have good coats. 18. My uncles have large flats. 19. There are some tables in the room. 20. We have good pens. Our pens are in our pockets. 21. There are some flowers in the vase. 22. These children"s feet are sore. 1. These men are engineers. 2. Those women are my sisters. 3. These children are my sons. 4. Those geese are big. 5. These mice are white. 6. These men are doctors. 7. Those women are my cousins. They are teachers. 8. Those girls are my nieces. They are pupils. 9. These girls have blue sweaters. 10. These boys have good coats. 11. My uncles have large flats. 12. There are some tables in the room. 13. We have good pens. Our pens are in our pockets. 14. There are some flowers in the vase. 15. These children"s feet are sore. 16. These cups are dirty. 17. Those biscuits were tasty. 18. These hotels are very expensive but they are very nice. 19. There are children"s playgrounds in the park. 20. Those are new supermarkets in our town. 21. They are delicious lemon pies for dessert. 22. They are nice cotton dresses for my nieces.

Упражнение 89. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This phone in the office is out of order. 2. That blouse is made of silk. 3. This is an excellent painting. 4. His book is very popular and it really interests me. 5. It"s a difficult word to write. 6. My son is a journalist and he has been very successful. 7. This purse isn"t made of leather. 8. That is my neighbour"s car. 9. Has he got a camera? 10. It"s a new cassette recorder. 11. This room is very large. 12. There is a match in the box. 13. Has this lady a knife? 14. There is a man and a woman in the street. 15. This lady is that gentleman"s wife. 16. This shoe is too large for my foot. 17. The child is sitting on a bench. 18. My tooth is white. 19. This key is made of steel. 20. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit. 21. This is my friend"s study. 1. Those phones in the office are out of order. 2. Those blouses are made of silk. 3. These are excellent paintings. 4. His books are very popular and they really interest me. 5. They are difficult words to write. 6. My sons are journalists and they have been very successful. 7. These purses aren"t made of leather. 8. Those are my neighbours" cars. 9. Have they got cameras? 10. They are new cassette recorders. 11. These rooms are very large. 12. There are some matches in the box. 13. Have these ladies knives?14. There are some men and women in the street.15. These ladies are those gentlemen"s wives. 16. These shoes are too large for my feet. 17. The children are sitting on a bench. 18. My teeth are white. 19. These keys are made of steel. 20. Potatoes are vegetables and cherries are fruit. 21. These are my friends" studies. 22. Our chiefs are very competent.

Упражнение 90. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is my stocking. 2. He has a new suit. 3. This metal is very hard. 4. That ship is a Russian one. 5. I heard her voice. 6. His dog does not like bread. 7. The plate was on the table. 8. This town is very large. 9. I was talking to her at the tram stop yesterday. 10. Is that girl your sister? 11. I shall give you my book. 12. This story will be a good one. 13. Is this a good match? 14. The boy put his book on the desk. 15. She took off her hat. 16. That house is new. 17. The young man put his hand in his pocket. 18. Is this student coming with us, too? 19. The woman didn"t say anything. 20. Does she speak English? 1. These are my stockings. 2. They have new suits. 3. These metals are very hard. 4. Those ships are Russian ones. 5. We heard their voices. 6. Their dogs do not like bread. 7. The plates were on the table. 8. These towns are very large. 9. We were talking to them at the tram stop yesterday. 10. Are those girls your sisters? 11. We shall give you our books. 12. These stories will be good ones. 13. Are these good matches? 14. The boys put their books on the desks. 15. They took off their hats. 16. Those houses are new. 17. The young men put their hands in their pockets. 18. Are these students coming with us, too? 19. The women didn"t say anything. 20. Do they speak English? 21. The police officers have caught the thieves. 22. They are holding the children hostige.

Упражнение 91. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. It"s a very difficult question to answer. 2. I think I"ll have that cake on the right. 3. Look at that pumpkin! It"s the biggest one I"ve seen this year. 4. It this your scarf? 5. That was a cookie jar. 6. What is that child"s name? 7. The cat has caught a mouse. 8. There was a lady, a gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room. 9. In the farmyard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 10. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? - He is a Frenchman. 11. Why don"t you eat this potato? 12. This strawberry is still green. 13. The withered leaf has fallen to the ground. 14. Can you see a bird in that tree? 15. Does your tooth still ache? 16. I held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 17. His child studies very well. 18. This man works at our office. 19. There is a new house in our street. 20. This story is very interesting. 21. I have hurt my foot. 22. The wolf has been shot. 23. He keeps his toy in a box. 24. Put this knife on that table. 1. They are very difficult questions to answer.2. We think we"ll have those cakes on the right.3. Look at those pumpkins! They are the biggest ones we"ve seen this year. 4. Are these your scarves? 5. Those were cookie jars. 6. What are those children"s names? 7. The cats have caught mice. 8. There were ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls in the room. 9. In the farmyard we could see oxen, sheep, cows and geese. 10. Are these workers Englishmen or Germans? - They are Frenchmen. 11. Why don"t you eat these potatoes? 12. These strawberries are still green. 13. The withered leaves have fallen to the ground. 14. Can you see birds in those trees? 15. Do your teeth still ache?16. I held up my feet to the fire to warm them.17. Their children study very well. 18. These men work at our office. 19. There are some new houses in our street. 20. These stories are very interesting. 21. I have hurt my feet. 22. The wolves have been shot. 23. They keep their toys in boxes. 24. Put these knives on those tables.

Упражнение 92. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a bird. 2. Is that also a bird? - No, it isn"t. That is a cat. 3. Is that a good horse? - Yes, it is. 4. Is that cow big or small? - It is big. 5. This is an apple and that is a flower. 6. Where is the coin? - It is in the box. 7. What colour is the box? - It is green. 8. What is it made of? - It is made of wood. 9. What is that man? - He is a clerk. 10. Is he in the office? - Yes, he is. 11. Is that woman a typist? - No, she isn"t. - What is she? - She is a doctor. 12. Is his brother at home? - Yes, he is. 13. This house has a balcony looking out on the street. 14. The architecture of this building is quite modern. 15. This is a new district of St. Petersburg. 16. There is a shop, a cinema and a theatre in the new district. 17. He is a retired worker. 18. I am a doctor. 19. We hear the sounds of a child"s voice. 20. She is a nice girl. 1. These are birds. 2. Are those also birds? - No, they aren"t. Those are cats. 3. Are those good horses? - Yes, they are. 4. Are those cows big or small? - They are big. 5. These are apples and those are flowers. 6. Where are the coins? - They are in the box.7. What colour are the boxes? - They are green.8. What are they made of? - They are made of wood. 9. What are those men? - They are clerks. 10. Are they in the office? - Yes, they are. 11. Are those women typists? - No, they aren"t. - What are they? - They are doctors. 12. Are his brothers at home? - Yes, they are. 13. These houses have balconies looking out on the street. 14. The architecture of these buildings is quite modern. 15. These are new districts of St. Petersburg. 16. There are some shops, cinemas and theatres in the new districts. 17. They are retired workers. 18. We are drivers. 19. We hear the sounds of children"s voices. 20. They are nice girls. 21. They are noisy boys.

Притяжательный падеж существительных

The child"s toys - The children"s toys

The boy"s books - The boys" books

Упражнение 93. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1. The ball of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4. The umbrella of my grandmother. 5. The room of my friend. 6. The questions of my son. 7. The wife of my brother. 8. The table of our teacher. 9. The poems of Pushkin. 10. The voice of this girl. 11. The new club of the workers. 12. The letter of Pete. 13. The car of my parents. 14. The life of this woman. 15. The handbags of these women. 16. The flat of my sister is large. 17. The children of my brother are at home. 18. The room of the boys is large. 19. The name of this girl is Jane. 20. The work of these students is interesting. 21. The computer of my son is modern. 22. He was a friend of my cousins. 1. The dog"s ball. 2. That man"s skateboard. 3. The children"s songs. 4. The grandmother"s umbrella. 5. My friend"s room. 6. My son"s questions. 7. My brother"s wife. 8. Our teacher"s table. 9. Pushkin"s poems. 10. This girl"s voice. 11. The workers" new club. 12. Pete"s letter. 13. My parents" car. 14. This woman"s life. 15. These women"s handbags. 16. My sister"s flat is large. 17. My brother"s children are at home. 18. The boys" room is large. 19. This girl"s name is Jane. 20. These students" work is interesting. 21. My son"s computer is modern. 22. He was my cousins" friend.

Упражнение 94. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1. Глаза у кошки зеленые. 2. Игрушки детей в большом ящике. 3. День рождения моего отца в мае. 4. И что за совпадение! Это любимый торт и моей мамы. 5. Я люблю книги моего мужа. 6. Как зовут того молодого человека? 7. Он показал мне письмо своей сестры. 8. Она взяла коньки своего брата. 9. Дайте мне тетради ваших учеников. 10. Принесите вещи детей. 11. Вчера дети нашли птичье гнездо. 12. Это семья моего друга. Отец моего друга - инженер. Мать моего друга - преподаватель. 13. Чья это сумка? - Это сумка Тома. 14. Чьи это словари? - Это словари студентов. 15. Вы видели книгу нашего учителя? 16. Мне нравится почерк этого мальчика. 17. Я слышу голос моей сестры. 18. Она открыла окно и услышала смех и крики детей. 19. Она поставила мокрые сапоги мальчиков к печке. 20. Это бабушкино кресло. 1. The cat"s eyes are green. 2. The children"s toys are in a big box. 3. My father"s birthday is in May. 4. What a coincidence! This is my mother"s favourite cake. 5. I love my husband"s books. 6. What is that young man"s name? 7. He showed me his sister"s letter. 8. She took her brother"s skates. 9. Give me your pupils" exercise books. 10. Bring the children"s things. 11. Yesterday the children found a bird"s nest. 12. This is my friend"s family. My friend"s father is an engineer. My friend"s mother is a teacher. 13. Whose bag is this? - It is Tom"s bag. 14. Whose dictionaries are these? - They are the students" dictionaries. 15. Have you seen our teacher"s book? 16. I like this boy"s handwriting. 17. I (can) hear my sister"s voice. 18. She opened the window and heard the children"s laughter and cries. 19. She put the boys" wet boots near the stove. 20. This is our grandmother"s armchair. 21. I think the student"s answer is exellent. 22. My husband knows a lot about Agatha Christie"s detective novels. 23. Sunday was Diana"s birthday. 24. We watched TV at my friend"s house last night. 25. Lisa"s dog jumped into the pond (pool) with us.

Упражнение 95. Вставьте some, any или no.

1. I need ... sugar, ... flour, ... eggs, ... butter and ... milk to make a cake. 2. There is ... butter in the fridge, but there isn"t ... milk. 3. Are there ... eggs? - There aren"t ... eggs left. 4. We haven"t got ... flour. 5. To make cabbage soup I need ... cabbage, ... onions, ... carrots, and ... salt. I don"t need ... plums or ... pineapples. 6. I need to buy a lot of things. There isn"t ... time to waste. 7. Oh, dear! There is ... money in my purse.

1. There are ... pictures in the book. 2. Are there ... new students in your group? 3. There are ... old houses in our street. 4. Are there ... English textbooks on the desks? - Yes, there are ... . 5. Are there ... maps on the walls? - No, there aren"t ... . 6. Are there ... pens on the desk? - Yes, there are .... 7. Are there ... sweets in your bag? - Yes, there are ... . 8. Have you got ... English books at home? - Yes, I have ... .9. There are ... beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them. 10. There is ... ink in my pen: I cannot write. 11. Is there ... paper on your table? 12. I haven"t got... exercise books. Give me ... , please. 13. It is winter. There are ... leaves on the trees. А1. some, some, some, some, some. 2. some, any. 3. any, any. 4. any. 5. some, some, some, some; any, any. 6. any. 7. no. В1. some. 2. any. 3. no some. 4. any, some. 5. any, any. 6. any, some. 7. any, some. 8. any, some. 9. some. 10. no. 11. any. 12. any, some. 13. no. A1. some. 2. any. 3. no some. 4. any, some. 5. any, any. 6. any, some. 7. any, some. 8. any, some. 9. some. 10. no. 11. any. 12. any, some. 13. no. 14. any. B1. some, some, some, some, some. 2. some, any. 3. any, any. 4. any. 5. some, some, some, some; any, any. 6. any. 7. no.

Упражнение 96. Вставьте some, any или no.

1. We haven"t got ... milk. We can"t make an omelette. 2. Bob always likes ... sugar in his coffee. 3. Poor Oliver was hungry. He wanted ... bread. 4. They haven"t got... stamps. I can"t post my leter. 5. He has got ... money. He can"t spend his holidays in Switzerland any more and stay at luxury hotels. 6. There are ... schools in this street. 7. Are there ... pictures in your book? 8. There are ... flowers here in winter. 9. I can see ... children in the yard. They are playing. 10. Are there ... new buildings in your street? 11. There are ... people in the park because it is cold. 12. I saw ... boys in the garden, but Mike was not among them. 13. They brought ... good books from the library. 14. Give me ... tea, please, I am thirsty. 15. Dinner was not yet ready, so she gave the children ... bread and butter because they were hungry. 16. Do you want ... milk in your coffee? 17. Have you got ... time to spare? I"d like to ask you ... questions. 18. Is there ... cheese on the plate? 19. There is ... ham on the plate. 20. There is ... tea in the cup: the cup is empty. 1. any. 2. some. 3. some. 4. any. 5. no. 6. some (no), any. 8. no. 9. some. 10. any. 11. no. 12. some. 13. some. 14. some. 15. some. 16. some. 17. any, some 18. any. 19. some (no). 20. no.

Упражнение 97. Вставьте some, any, по или оставьте пропуски незаполненными, смотря по смыслу.

1. There are ... buses today and I can"t go shopping. 2. There is ... caviare in the can. I love it. Would you like ... ? 3. Please don"t offer her ... chips. She doesn"t want... .4. Can I have ... milk in my tea? I don"t like it black. 5. There is ... ink in my pen. 6. Is there ... snow in the street this morning? 7. My mother likes ... music. 8. Are there ... chess players here? 9. There are ... diagrams in the new book. 10. Are there ... newspapers on the table? 11. Was there ... water in the glass or ... milk? 12. There was ... soap in the box; he used it to wash his hands. 13. There was ... soap in the box: it smells of ... soap. 14. There are ... letters for you on the table. 15. Do you like ... apples? 16. Were there ... of our teachers at the stadium? 17. There were ... students of our group at the consultation yesterday. 18. Will there be ... concerts at the club next month? 19. There were ... yellow and green pencils on the table. 20. People need ... oxygen for breathing. 21. Are there ... mistakes in my dictation? - Yes, there are .... 22. My brother doesn"t like ... carrots. 1. no. 2. some; some. 3. any; any. 4. some. 5. some. 6. any. 7. V. 8. any. 9. some. 10. any. 11. V, V. 12. some. 13. V, V. 14. some. 15. V. 16. any. 17. some. 18. any. 19. some. 20. V. 21. any, some. 22. V.

Упр. 84. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

Упр. 83. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

Упр. 82. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

Упр. 81. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a star. 2. This is a boy. 3. This is a baby. 4. That is a plate. 5. That is a flower, j 6. That is a bookshelf. 7. Is this a sofa? 8. Is this a bookcase? 9. Is this a man? 10. Is that a ball? 11. Is that a train? 12. Is that a plane? 13. Is the window open? 14. Is the door closed? 15. Is the boy near the window? 16. That is not a king, 17. That is not a queen. 18. That is not a bus. 19. This isn"t a mountain. 20. That isn"t a goose. 21. This isn"t a mouse. 22. It is a sheep. 23. It is a cigarette. 24. It is a cat. 25. It is not a girl. 26. It isn"t a bag. 27. It isn"t a tree. 28. It is not a bad egg. 29. It is a good egg. 30. Is that a flower?

1. This man is an engineer. 2, That woman is my sister. 3. This child is my son, 4. That goose is big. 5. This mouse is white. 6. This man is a doc­tor. 7. That woman is my cousin. She is a teacher 8. That girl is my niece. She is a pupil. 9. This girl has a blue sweater. 10. This boy has a good coat. 11. My uncle has a large flat. 12. There is a table in the room. 13. I have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket. 14. There is a flower in the vase. 15. This child"s foot is sore.

1. This room is very large. 2. There is a match in the box. 3. Has this lady a knife? 4. There is a man and a woman in the street. 5. This lady is that gen­tleman"s wife. 6. This shoe is too large for my foot. 7. The child is sitting on a bench. 8. My tooth is white. 9. This key is made of steel. 10. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit. 11. This.is my friend"s study.

1. What is that child"s name? 2, The cat has caught a mouse. 3. There was a lady, a gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? -He is a Frenchman. 6. Why don"t you eat this po­tato? 7. This strawberry is still green. 8. The with­ered leaf has fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see a bird in that tree? 10. Does your tooth still ache? 11.1 held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 12. His child studies very well. 13. This man works at our office. 14. There is a new house in our street. 15. This story is very interesting. 16. I have hurt my foot. 17. The wolf has been shot. 18. He keeps his toy in a box. 19. Put this knife on that table.

1. This is my stocking. 2. He has a new suit. 3. This metal is very hard. 4. That ship is a Rus­sian one. 5. I heard her voice. 6. His dog does not like bread. 7. The plate was on the table. 8. This town is very large. 9. I was talking to her at the tram stop yesterday. 10. Is that girl your sister? 11. I shall give you my book. 12. This story will be a good one. 13. Is this a good match? 14. The boy put his book on the desk. 15. She took off her hat.

16. That house is new. 17. The young man put his hand in his pocket. 18. Is this student coming with us, too? 19. The woman didn"t say anything. 20. Does she speak English?

Упр. 1. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (не забудьте, что перед множественным числом неопределенный артикль нужно опустить).

A table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a Negro, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a park, a play.

Запомните форму множественного числа следующих существительных:

Упр. 2. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).

A star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.

Упр. 3. Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественное число.

This tea-cup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife.


this is - these are that is - those are there is - there are it is - they are

Упр. 4. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a star. 2. This is a boy. 3. This is a baby. 4. That is a plate. 5. That is a flower. 6. That is a bookshelf. 7. Is this a sofa? 8. Is this a bookcase? 9. Is this a man? 10. Is that a ball? 11. Is that a train? 12. Is that a plane? 13. Is the window open? 14. Is the door closed? 15. Is the boy near the window? 16. That is not a king. 17. That is not a queen. 18. That is not a bus. 19. This isn"t a mountain. 20. That isn"t a goose. 21. This isn"t a mouse. 22. It is a sheep. 23. It is a cat. 24. It is not a girl. 25. It isn"t a bag. 26. It isn"t a tree. 27. It is not a bad egg. 28. It is a good egg. 29. Is that a flower? 30. Is that a boy?

Упр. 5. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This man is an engineer. 2. That woman is my sister. 3. This child is my son. 4. That goose is big. 5. This mouse is white. 6. This man is a doctor. 7. That woman is my cousin. She is a teacher 8. That girl is my niece. She is a pupil. 9. This girl has a blue sweater. 10. This boy has a good coat. 11. My uncle has a large flat. 12. There is a table in the room. 13. I have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket. 14. There is a flower in the vase. 15. This child"s foot is sore.

Упр. 6. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This room is very large. 2. There is a match in the box. 3. Does this lady have a knife? 4. There is a man and a woman in the street. 5. This lady is that gentleman"s wife. 6. This shoe is too large for my foot. 7. The child is sitting on a bench. 8. My tooth is white. 9. This key is made of steel. 10. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit. 11. This is my friend"s study.

Упр. 7. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. What is that child"s name? 2. The cat caught a mouse. 3. There was a lady, a gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? – He is a Frenchman. 6. Why don"t you eat this potato? 7. This strawberry is still green. 8. The withered leaf has fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see a bird in that tree? 10. Does your tooth still ache? 11. I held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 12. His child studies very well. 13. This man works at our office. 14. There is a new house in our street. 15. This story is very interesting. 16. I have hurt my foot. 17. The wolf has been shot. 18. He keeps his toy in a box. 19. Put this knife on that table.

Упр. 8. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is my stocking. 2. He has a new suit. 3. This metal is very hard. 4. That ship is a Russian one. 5. I heard her voice. 6. His dog does not like bread. 7. The plate was on the table. 8. This town is very large. 9. I was talking to her at the tram stop yesterday. 10. Is that girl your sister? 11. I shall give you my book. 12. This story will be a good one. 13. Is this a good match? 14. The boy put his book on the desk. 15. She took off her hat. 16. That house is new. 17. The young man put his hand in his pocket. 18. Is this student coming with us, too? 19. The woman didn"t say anything. 20. Does she speak English?

Для того чтобы сразу было понятно, о чем пойдёт речь в данном разделе, попробуй ответить на следующий вопрос: Как ты думаешь, чем отличаются эти два предложения?

Стол большой и Столы большие

Ты уже наверняка знаешь много английских слов: a table , a dog , a cat , a window , и даже можешь составить несложные предложения: the chair is big , the house is white . Очень хорошо, если так. Но что нам делать, если мы хотим сказать о нескольких стульях или нескольких домах? Представь, что перед тобой стоят два дома, и тебе нужно сказать, что они оба белые. В этом случае тебе потребуется множественное число:

The houses are white – Дома белые

Как поставить предложение во множественное число?

Все очень просто. Добавляем к существительному окончание -s и говорим вместо is – are .

The house is big – The houses are big

Посмотри, как легко переводить слова из единственного числа во множественное:

car – cars
chair – chairs
table – tables
door – doors

Попробуй самостоятельно поставить слова во множественное число:

book, pencil, sofa, wall, window, flower, lamp, bed.

А теперь скажи


Для самопроверки подведи курсор мышки к этим словам

Теперь мы можем переводить целые предложения во множественное число и, тем самым, давать описание сразу нескольким объектам.

The car is new – The cars are new
The chair is brown – The chairs are brown
The door is big – The doors are big

Поставь следующие предложения во множественное число:

The bed is big
The book is interesting
The window is small
The wall is white
The lamp is high

Теперь нужно запомнить ещё один очень важный момент.
Существуют слова, множественное число которых образуется не только с помощью одной буквы - s , как мы только что увидели. Есть ряд слов, к которым нужно присоединить окончание, состоящее из двух букв -es . Это слова, которые заканчиваются на ch , sh или ss :

watch – watches
dish – dishes
class – classes

Подобных слов не так много, но они всё же будут часто встречаться. Запомни эти случаи обязательно.

И последнее, что мы затронем в данном разделе, это артикли. Как вы видите, определённый артикль the не ставится в форму множественного числа, тогда как существительное ставится: the car – the cars , the house – the houses . Тут всё понятно.

Однако в английском языке существует два артикля. Неопределённый артикль a не ставится во множественное число вообще. Это означает, что когда мы говорим о неопределённых предметах во множественном числе, то перед ними мы не должны ставить a .

В целом, множественное число существительных в английском образуется по строгим и простым правилам. Однако и здесь есть свои нюансы и исключения, которые вам полезно будет узнать.

Основные правила образования множественного числа

Множественное число большинства существительных образуется добавлением к слову окончания - s . Например:

  • cup — cups
  • pen — pens
  • page — pages
  • daughter — daughters

Однако, если слово заканчивается на -ch, -x, -s, -sh , к нему добавляется окончание -es .

  • bench — benches
  • fox — foxes
  • class — classes
  • brush — brushes

Большинство существительных, заканчивающихся на согласную + o , также образуют множественное число с помощью окончания -es .

  • hero — heroes
  • potato — potatoes
  • tomato — tomatoes

Однако во и словах испанского или итальянского происхождения, которые заканчиваются на -o , добавляется просто -s .

  • photo — photos
  • piano — pianos
  • tango — tangos
  • studio — studios

К существительным, которые заканчиваются на -z , добавляется -zes .

В существительных, которые заканчиваются на согласную + y , отбрасывается y и добавляется -ies . Например:

  • copy — copies
  • hobby — hobbies
  • sky — skies

В большинстве существительных латинского происхождения, которые заканчиваются на -is , отбрасывается -is и добавляется -es . Например:

  • basis — bases
  • crisis — crises
  • oasis — oases

В большинстве существительных, которые заканчиваются на -f или -fe , отбрасывается f и добавляется -ves . Например:

  • wife — wives
  • shelf — shelves
  • leaf — leaves

Но это не строгое правило:

  • belief — beliefs (believes — это глагол)
  • chief — chiefs
  • reef — reefs
  • proof — proofs
  • cliff — cliffs
  • safe — safes (saves — это глагол)

Исключения из правил

Есть много распространенных существительных, которые имеют нерегулярную форму множественного числа: множественное число таких существительных образуется нестандартным способом.

К ним относится большинство существительных, обозначающих людей. Например:

  • woman — women
  • child — children
  • brother — brethren (в значении «собратья»)

Другие существительные-исключения:

  • foot — feet
  • tooth — teeth
  • goose — geese
  • mouse — mice

Некоторые существительные имеют одинаковую форму единственного и множественного числа. Например:

  • sheep — sheep
  • fruit — fruit
  • aircraft — aircraft
  • series — series

Во множественном числе они требуют соответствующей формы глагола (are / were):

  • There is a fruit in the vase. — There are some fruit in the vase.
  • There was a sheep in the field. — There were a lot of sheep in the field.

В свою очередь, неисчисляемые существительные (money, news, advice, information) не имеют формы множественного числа и согласуются с глаголом единственного числа (is / was ):

  • There is a lot of news in your letter.
  • There was some money on the table.

Некоторые существительные (scissors, glasses, trousers, tweezers, pyjamas и др.) имеют только множественное число и требуют соответствующей формы глагола (are / were ). Например:

  • Where are my new trousers ? They were on the chair.

Существительные, которые происходят от устаревших форм английских слов или имеют иностранное происхождение, часто имеют нестандартную форму множественного числа:

  • ox — oxen
  • index — indices или indexes

В составных существительных окончание множественного числа обычно добавляется к главному компоненту. Например:

  • mother-in-law — mothers -in-law
  • hotel-keeper — hotel-keepers

Слова, заканчивающиеся на -us

Лингвисты могут часами спорить о множественном числе существительных, которые заканчиваются на -us . Многие из этих слов заимствованы из латыни и сохраняют латинскую форму множественного числа, где окончание -us заменяется на -i (произносится [-ʌɪ] или [-iː]). Однако, не все такие слова имеют латинское происхождение, и не все латинские слова заканчиваются на -i во множественном числе, отсюда и споры. Например:

  • Множественное число слова virus — viruses , а не viri.

Некоторые принимают регулярное английское окончание -es : campus — campuses ; bonus — bonuses .

Некоторые латинские заимствования принимают окончание -i: radius — radii , stimulus — stimuli .

Если вы хотите озадачить лингвиста, спросите у него, какое будет множественное число у слова crocus — crocuses или croci. Или множественное число слова octopus — octopuses, octopi или octopodes?

Слова в единственном числе

Неисчисляемые существительные используются только в единственном числе.